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bioLNG, Stirling, biogas, upgrading, liquefaction, polishing, liquid biogas, LBG, LBM, green fuel, biomethane
LNG, natural gas liquefaction, gaswell, associated gas, micro scale liquefaction, Stirling Cryogenics
LNG, natural gas liquefaction, gaswell, associated gas, micro scale liquefaction, Stirling Cryogenics

LNG Production


With the development since 2015 to use LNG as an automotive fuel (for heavy duty long haulage trucking), the supply and production of LNG has considerably changed from a mass production at the gas well to small, mini and even micro scale production nearer to the point of consumption. Stirling is active in this market with a micro scale production capacity from minimum 1 ton/day of LNG to maximum 30 ton/day of LNG.

LNG has two origins: fossil natural gas and biogas.

Fossil Natural gas can be generated directly from a gas well or can be associated gas from oil drilling. The gas can take many different compositions. The methane (CH4) content is the gas that is needed for LNG production. Other traces of gas need to be removed as much as possible. In general, the well gas and associated gas will be purified to a certain standard of pipeline gas which in most countries contains approximately 97% of CH4.

Stirling has developed an integrated gas purification & liquefaction plant together with sister company Hysytech who specializes in gas purification technologies. The plant can be made suitable for natural gas liquefaction of all types of natural gas.

Biogas is defined as gas that is generated by anaerobic digestion of organic material and can have several origins: agricultural waste, municipal waste (including waste water treatment) or landfills. Apart from landfill gas, biogas is fairly consistent in composition. It contains 50-60% of Methane (CH4), 35-45% of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) and some other traces (such as H2S, H2, N2, O2). The purification of biogas to make it suitable for liquefaction is usually done in two stages: biogas upgrading to bring the CH4 content to 97-98%. This would make it suitable for pipeline injection. The second stage of purification is typically done downstream of the upgrading plant and is integrated with the liquefaction plant. This part of purification is generally referred to as polishing.

Stirling has developed a standardised integrated gas polishing & liquefaction plant together with sister company Hysytech who specializes in gas purification technologies. The plant is ready made for biomethane liquefaction.


LNG production plants


VAFABMiljo, Sweden

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